Lincoln-Way East Esports
February 27, 2023
The word esports stands for electronic sports and is an organized competition of video games. Esports has been around for a long time, dating back to when consoles were first created. The esports scene today though, has changed drastically and has even reached a high school playing level. This past month the esports team competed in a competition against ten schools. The Rocket League team took first place, which got the team a lot more recognition. When asked about when the esports team at East began, Senior Patrick Sullivan said, “Officially last year.” This emphasizes that the team is very new, and many people do not know about it. When Patrick was asked how and why he joined the team, he stated, “I originally heard about it from the LWE Instagram last year asking for players. I decided to join because it’s always been a dream of mine to compete in things like this.” This proves that esports team for a lot of the members is a release for many and a place where they can do things they enjoy. Check out the esports team if you are looking for something new to join!