You’ve finally made it to your senior year after 3 long years. It’s finally time to start planning your prom colors, deciding on what college to further your education, and what your senior quote will be for the yearbook. Though these are all the fun aspects of senior year, aspects like the college application process, completing your FAFSA, or even simply turning in your assignments can turn into tasks. When these things turn into tasks and you are not motivated to do them, senioritis begins to kick in. Trust me, I’ve been there too, but doing these 5 tips has helped me tremendously and I’m sure they can help you too!
- Come Up with a Do-able Schedule
- Deadlines always come before you know it. Keeping a planner and recording when certain assignments or certain applications are due has helped me throughout my high school career. By keeping things all in one place, I’ve been able to successfully stay on top of deadlines and get my work done ahead of time.
- Celebrate All Your Victories
- Even if you finished applying to all the schools on your list, celebrate it. It takes a lot to sit down and finish work, so make sure you’re celebrating both the big and small progress you make.
- Find a Hobby
- Sometimes we tend to get too wrapped up in our school work, we forget to take time for ourselves by doing other things we enjoy. Picking up a new hobby like cooking, drawing, or playing an instrument can help by destressing you while also promoting a new skill that could help you in the future.
- Words of Affirmation
- Don’t forget to tell yourself you’re doing the dang thing. We, as humans, tend to undermine our success and compare ourselves to others. During your journey, remember to tell yourself, “You’re that girl/boy” “You deserve this” “You’re worthy” and “I have courage.” When you continue to tell yourself these things, you’ll start believing it, then good things will come your way.
- Have a Support System
- Having a strong support system in your corner will help you when you think you can’t help yourself. Whether that support system is your family, friends, or even a higher power like God, having that additional support makes a difference, especially during times when you’re extremely stressed out. You can always turn to them to vent, destress, and receive help