It is said to keep a habit you must first practice for 21 days; then to make it a permanent part of your life, you must do it for 90. That’s hard though so let’s come up with some ways to help you stick to your resolutions this New Year’s. Last year will become the last time you got upset at yourself for not holding to your resolutions and making the choices you want to. This year is the year for you!
To start a more long term resolution it is important to make time for that resolution to take place. Create a schedule you can follow for 90 days when the habit will become a part of your everyday life, and you will no longer have to make time for it it will come naturally. Ways to make time for resolutions could be wishing to read more so you plan 30 minutes of your day to start a new book, continue an old one, or even read something like a magazine to insure you are sticking to that resolution. If you have a very busy schedule and once a day is too much, you could always plan one day a week when you will take time to fulfill your resolution. For example, if you wish to learn a new skill you could set one day aside where you focus on learning and practice or go out and do an activity associated with your skill. If you’re trying to learn to paint, go to a paint a pot place. Just do something so you make time for the resolution and can associate that resolution with something positive like a fun activity or new experience. You could even bring friends along to do it with to have more fun.
Some resolutions, however, are more open ended or hard to do as often. Things like spending time with family can be challenging. For this, you could make sure to at least call family once a week or so to insure you still have time with them even if it can’t be in person. You should never feel forced to follow the resolution if you want to continue it then you will. You don’t always have to be on a fixed schedule. You could just set a reminder once in a while so you don’t forget and can keep doing it on your own terms.
In the end, it should be noted that though resolutions can be good and fun, if it is something you cannot find joy in anymore or causes you stress to do then it is much better to follow your feelings and stop. The changes won’t come immediately but if you make time for it, your resolution will soon become a part of your everyday and something easy and enjoyable for you that will improve your overall well-being.