Victoria Robinson, Staff Reporter

Listening to respond rather than listening to hear is a common issue that can lead to miscommunication and misunderstandings.

When someone is listening to respond, they are focused on what they want to say next, rather than truly listening to and understanding the speaker. They may interrupt or finish the speaker’s sentences, or give a response that is not relevant to what was said. This can make the speaker feel unheard and disrespected.

On the other hand, listening to hear means actively paying attention to the speaker, trying to understand their perspective and message, and responding in a thoughtful and appropriate way. This type of listening shows respect for the speaker and can lead to more productive and positive interactions.

It’s important to practice active listening in order to avoid misunderstanding and to build trust. To do this, one can try to focus on what the speaker is saying and not interrupting them. Paraphrasing or summarizing the speaker’s message back to them can help ensure understanding. Also, asking questions to clarify if something is unclear is important.

In conclusion, listening to hear is crucial for effective communication. It allows for understanding, respect and trust in a relationship. This skill can be developed through practice and mindfulness.